Bardoli Mochi Gnati Parishad

Bardoli Mochi Gnati Parishd

About Us

A Few Words

About Trust

Since last 15 to 20 years this institution is continuously working towards educating the youngsters. As today when knowledge is supreme it is important to give priority to the education. If our young generation is educated it will develop and grow in sure with other societies. The young are the future and the time and money spent on their education is well spent. Parents must know that ultimately it will pay in the future.

Muljibhai kalidas chauhan originally from Degam-Bajipura and having occupation in FIJI (ISLANDS) was elected president of this institution in 1947 (14th ADHIVATION held at VYARA). I recent come to know that even in those days he was very much aware of value of education and use to guide people through correspondence. For this BARDOLI VIBHAG is really proud of it. Today we salute our elders for their foresight.

Now also we constantly strive with new ideas and projects to encourage the students, so that it can help acquire degrees and make their own future.

Friends we BARDOLI VIBHAG people are lucky to have such forward thinking elders or leaders in our past.

MANCHHABA SANSKRUTIK BHAVAN is the living proof of it. It was a built in the year 1945. The plot of land was purchased in 1940 (on which small building was constructed in 1945). As the years passed by, the old structure was demolished and MANCHHABA SANSKRUTIK BHAVAN was built.

We are grateful to the donor of the new buildings. We are equally grateful to the peoples who initially bought around 8000 sq.feet of land (Road Touch). It is said that your work today is your destiny tomorrow. This is also mentioned in Bhagawat GITA performed your deed but do not wish for the fruit. But as we all know that good deeds are always rewarded eventually. So buying 8000 sq.feet plot was deed and MANCHHABA SANSKRUTIK BHAVAN is the fruit.

Shri Haribhai, one of our old members from Kadod use to say that when BARDOLI VIBHAG was established in 1932 there were difficult times and no facilities at all. To save paper and pencils, the detail calculations were done on the stone (which is using to craft the shoe making (SALADI)) with white chalks and only the final figures were written down in paper.

This institution has been founded for the development and growing of our cast people. We can only more forward towards this goal when we make it our priority.

This is the only way towards achieving developments and growing for the entire community.

Our Vision
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Years of Experience
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